Just released – VMware Tech Showcase

A few minutes ago at VMware Explore US Technology Innovation Showcase session, Kit Colbert (CTO at VMware) unveiled the VMware Tech Showcase program. The main goal of the program is the collaboration among VMware, their customers, and partners.

It is the customer and partners opportunity to try beta versions of innovation projects and shape the future direction of these products. The program resulted as a customer and partner request.

For a partner as us, it is important to get early access and work closely with VMware to address customer use-cases and build some knowledge to help VMware in the bring-to-market.

VMware Tech Showcase will focus on SaaS in the beginning. At the launch, there will be the following service available


Simplify edge workload and device management by bringing zero-touch provisioning and GitOps best practices to your edge fleet. More at vmware.com


Leverage ML to detect zero-day attacks and view API schemas in applications running on any Kubernetes in any cloud or data center. More at vmware.com and on youtube.com

In the future much more services will join VMware Tech Showcase. Keep tuned!

Don’t miss the launch video on YouTube and check out VMware Tech Showcase at https://www.vmware.com/showcase.

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