VMworld 2022 – back in-person with new name and focus

VMworld is now… VMware Explore! VMware twittered on 6th april that huge news are around the corner.

On 7th april VMware spilt the beans – the global VMware conference is no longer called VMworld. It comes back as in-person event with a new name «VMware Explore».

VMware is positioning itself as a multi-cloud leader. So they saw the need to evolute the VMworld (all around the VMs) to multi-cloud universe with the slogan VMware Explore. As the VM is no longer the point of most interest in VMware product portfolio, it was time to go on. After 17 years the name VMworld has been retired. The VMworld has been held for the first time 2004 in San Diego. For me, it makes sense. VMware is transforming fast and is looking strong into the multi-cloud universe. The VMworld has always been all around the portfolio. You are able to get in touch by labs or talks with fellows at the event, you would never hear of in daily business.

For the audition, VMware is promising new content (as always :P) and also non-VMware-led content and speakers. Maybe I will be standing there and speek to you 😊

Here the quote from VMware «VMware Explore will show you how to build and operate your cloud native platform, accelerate your cloud transformation, and secure your hybrid workforce. VMware Explore will remain familiar to previous attendees in many ways-but will offer numerous new opportunities for discovery. There will also be more non-VMware-led content and speakers—fresh, distinct voices and points of view—gathered in one place like never before. You’ll hear from community leaders, developers, executives, VMware customers, and VMware partners in keynotes, breakout sessions, small group sessions, gamified sessions, hands-on labs and more.»

The dates for the US event is August 29 – September 1, 2022, Moscone Center, San Francisco, California and November 7 – 10, 2022, Fira Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain for the Europe event. There will also be additional events in Brazil, Singapore, Japan and China later this year.

See you in Barcelona! ¡Hasta pronto!

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