vBlog - Stadelmann Daniel Blog
After implementing the vSphere hardeing settings all my new hosts feel quite sticky. After six days when starting SSH and trying to connect the connection is refused. After rebooting the host it is up...
Have you already registered for VMware Explore in Barcelona taking place from November 4th until 7th? If not, register now. Have you seen the promotion with my quote? Value Proposition Explore is the time...
After upgrading the firmware on my BCM57414 OCP adapter I faced link down issues on one or both ports of the adapter. Installed firmware: through HPE Patch bundle for Gen11 SPP 2024.04.00.00 SPP-2024.
VMware announced on 29th of July that VMware Skyline will reach EOL on October 4th 2024. It was a pleasure having you Skyline! The statement from VMware This change is necessary as part of...
VMware hat eine neue Sicherheitslücke publik gemacht. Es handelt sich um das VMware Security Advisory 2024-0012. Auf der CVSS Skala sind die Lücken mit 7.8-9.8 bewertet. Die gravierendste (CVSS Skala 9.8) sollte schnellstmöglich mit...
I had a vCenter update task on a customer installation today going from Update 3c (19234570) to the newest Update 3p (22837322). First I had the error that a RPM installation failed due to...
It’s time for a review after running VCDR over two years in production at different customer sites. I’m very pleased with the solution. We run every 6 months DR tests at every customer to...
Als bestehender VCPP-Partner von VMware stehst du aktuell mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, dass du dich einem VCSP-Partner im White Labeling Modell anschliessen musst, falls du nicht selbst die 3500 Cores liefern kannst. Core Anzahl...
With the acquisition Broadcam has streamlined the vSphere offerings to the following packages. The licenses are new subscription only and is calculated based on host CPU sockets. Every CPU socket is calculated with at...
I got six Intel Optane SSD sample hardware from Intel for testing in my lab. I integrated those Optane drives into my VMware vSAN two node lab cluster. Huge shoutout to Intel for the...
The VMware Application Catalog provides a central repository of trusted, pre-packaged open-source application components that are continuously maintained and verifiably tested for use in production environments. You can build a customized selection of those...